Comitting Life to Memory

As we grow older, time moves faster because we have fewer novel experiences per unit of time. Also, each day we experience is increasingly less significant to us if we think of each day as equally impactful. It seems inevitable that time moves faster and faster for the rest of our days.


The reality is that each day varies. It is in our hands how much we are impacted. Our minds and memories are clay in our hands. We can choose to look upon the mundane with childlike wonder, or we can wait impatiently for our turn at the front of the queue. The reality is that our turn inevitably comes. Do not waste your time.

Friends forever. Love never dies. Childhood lies. Change is inevitable, but also you change too, so it’s not as aweful as it sounds.

However, I’m here to make memories for the same reason that I take photos with my smartphone. I’m here to help myself remember and transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

And for the record…

I ordered a very large emergency battery, mainly for natural disasters. It’s not cheap, and it was among the largest batteries one can purchase as a single integrated unit. I learned about the LiFePo chemstry — that’s lithium-iron-phosphate, known for its longevity or durability in battery terms, at the cost of lower energy density compared to other rechargable lithium batteries. This large and relatively heavy battery unit could be used to charge phones and run fans when air conditioning isn’t available, but care must be taken to understand and manage energy use when we might not know how long until the power grid is restored. I ordered a power meter to measure capacity and real power draw of devices around the house so that I can understand and maximize value from the battery in an emergency situation.

I considered a generator for a similar price. However, I don’t have a place to store the fuel safely, and I probably can’t store the generator in the house long-term. A generator with a full tank only lasts eight hours, or maybe a day at the very longest looking at popular small generator models.

I wrote a letter to a friend suggesting that he consider growing useful fungus, like mushrooms, to consume his large supply of wood, and of the impact of visiting the mountains. I played video games. God of War has proven itself to be a lovely and entertaining adventure. I will be quite sad when it’s over. I learned how to use iron-on patches to repair some clothes and use my new mini-iron for the first time. It worked very well. I wonder how else it might be used.

And that is all. The rest of the time was claimed by the tasks of keeping a home running. Eating good food. Making love.







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Recents from Henfred