Author: henfred

  • Playing with a Power Meter

    I bought a outlet power meter from Amazon — the kind where you plug-through the device to reach to the actual outlet — and the device measures energy usage. This particular one has the basics: power (kWh), current (A), AC voltage (V, presumably rms), and a couple oddities like power factor and energy cost that…

  • Comitting Life to Memory

    As we grow older, time moves faster because we have fewer novel experiences per unit of time. Also, each day we experience is increasingly less significant to us if we think of each day as equally impactful. It seems inevitable that time moves faster and faster for the rest of our days. Why? The reality…

  • WordPress Maintenance and Updated Privacy Policy

    Hello all! This website and its primary author are still alive. I’ve been going through some difficult times at work lately and in my personal life, so I haven’t had the time to produce a proper coherent blog post in a while. Nevertheless, here are a few matter-of-business updates. WordPress was updated to 6.5 “Regina.”…

  • Linux Kernel 6.6 Hardening

    After building a number of Linux kernels for use in embedded systems emphasizing a layered security approach, I have decided that I’d like to share my knowledge and recommendations on a hardened build configuration with the world. My intent is to draw attention to importat build options that you should consider for use in your…

  • The Sad State of Consumer IPv6

    The Sad State of Consumer IPv6

    IPv6 on home routers is in a sorry, sorry state. I got the itch to learn IPv6 networking and started with testing several high-end home routers to see which units might best meet my educational and experimental needs. I figured that once I identified a solid fit, my new (potentially used, but new-to-me) device would…

  • Friends Forever

    When you’re little, you think everything’s going to last forever. Recess is an eternity, and tomorrow isn’t here. You view life through a paper tube. You make friends with the worm. You are invincible. We grow old, and love dies. We aren’t young anymore. We were the little kid, but now we feel things he…

  • Mentally Lazy

    I’ve been feeling mentally lazy over the past two weeks. My experience of it is similar to depression, but without the emotional impacts so much as the schedule and motivation ones. Why? Namely, it’s for the following reasons: These factors come together to gut my initiative. Time rolls by while my to-do list grows if…

  • Caribbean Cruise: Winter 2023

    Caribbean Cruise: Winter 2023

    Hello world! It’s been some time because the whole family’s been out of the country on a luxury cruise. I’m not dead. We left on November 28th on the Norwegian Pearl and returned on December 9th. Overall, it was a very positive experience even though we had a few extra guests that we didn’t plan…

  • From SBC to Mini PC

    Hardware matters, but software matters so much more. Easy as Pi For years software support, documentation, and the surrounding community of hobbyists made the Raspberry Pi outstandingly popular to the point of techno-culture phenomenon. The Raspberry Pi 5 was released earlier this year, but supply issues continue such that a casual purchase today won’t be…

  • Not a Car Guy

    I drive a red 2018 Kia Soul. It features an inline-four flexible grade gasoline internal combustion engine. The design has recent improvements like variable valve timing and direct injection, but the design is decidedly static compared to more exotic engine designs like small forced induction (turbo charged) and hybrid designs. My living arrangements cannot support…