WordPress Maintenance and Updated Privacy Policy

Hello all! This website and its primary author are still alive. I’ve been going through some difficult times at work lately and in my personal life, so I haven’t had the time to produce a proper coherent blog post in a while. Nevertheless, here are a few matter-of-business updates.

WordPress was updated to 6.5 “Regina.” It amazes me how I benefit so greatly from the countless contributors of the open source community. From this website, to the Linux kernel and open source OS I use at home in typing this article for you right in this moment, I can’t even comprehend all that they do to keep everything run fast and secure. I extend a great big hug to all who wish to receive it in open software. Thank you!

I installed my first spam management plugin, the ever-popular Akismet. This is a really low user interaction website, (if anybody reads it at all!) and many of you likely care deeply about your privacy. Ergo, I never want to require logins. I made a free account to filter spam comments for me. I’m only human.

To that end, I provide an updated privacy policy to clarify a few points and to provide stronger assurances that I’m really not interested in your data. This is a personal site. Not a business.

Have a great day!





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