Tag: servers
The Sad State of Consumer IPv6
IPv6 on home routers is in a sorry, sorry state. I got the itch to learn IPv6 networking and started with testing several high-end home routers to see which units might best meet my educational and experimental needs. I figured that once I identified a solid fit, my new (potentially used, but new-to-me) device would…
From SBC to Mini PC
Hardware matters, but software matters so much more. Easy as Pi For years software support, documentation, and the surrounding community of hobbyists made the Raspberry Pi outstandingly popular to the point of techno-culture phenomenon. The Raspberry Pi 5 was released earlier this year, but supply issues continue such that a casual purchase today won’t be…
Website Stability Woes
This site has been offline for almost a day, and I hadn’t noticed! Luckily, I came here to draft a post about my recent experience with a PHP bug, and I noticed that the page was loading to a white screen. Experience teaches me that the web server Caddy likes to return empty responses when…
PHP-FPM Small Site Configuration
This topic has been addressed accross the Internet, but I’m deeply unsatisfied with how it’s addressed because the materials I see don’t directly answer my key questions. The manual doesn’t do a great job of explaining how to configure these parameters. This page explains the configuration descisions I made for this website. Background The server…