Tag: vulnerability research

  • Linux Kernel 6.6 Hardening

    After building a number of Linux kernels for use in embedded systems emphasizing a layered security approach, I have decided that I’d like to share my knowledge and recommendations on a hardened build configuration with the world. My intent is to draw attention to importat build options that you should consider for use in your…

  • The Sad State of Consumer IPv6

    The Sad State of Consumer IPv6

    IPv6 on home routers is in a sorry, sorry state. I got the itch to learn IPv6 networking and started with testing several high-end home routers to see which units might best meet my educational and experimental needs. I figured that once I identified a solid fit, my new (potentially used, but new-to-me) device would…

  • Stability and Hardening: the Pool is Closed

    WordPress defaults enable the CMS to function in a wide variety of environments from small home servers to massive shared hosting providers to horizontally scaled applications in the cloud. However, two defaults are much less than ideal.

  • PHP is Pretty Bad

    I write about a fundamental security design weakness in PHP-based web applications, a gift that keeps giving despite our best attempts to contain the ghost of the past.