Category: Opinions
Personal and professional opinions.
Vroom Vroom: Supercar Racing
I did it! I did one of those supercar racing experiences this week while I was out of town attending DEF CON 32. I had a good time even though I realized that racing is not for me, and I feel like writing a post on my website to document how this experience impacted me…
Cubby Linux: My New Distro Idea
I’ve read through the LFS: Linux From Scratch and the add-on BLFS and ALFS books that pile on popular advanced concepts, although there’s no hope to cover everything. It is for this reason that new Linux distributions are created all the time. Here, I elaborate my thoughts to help motivate myself for building my own…
Not a Car Guy
I drive a red 2018 Kia Soul. It features an inline-four flexible grade gasoline internal combustion engine. The design has recent improvements like variable valve timing and direct injection, but the design is decidedly static compared to more exotic engine designs like small forced induction (turbo charged) and hybrid designs. My living arrangements cannot support…
PHP is Pretty Bad
I write about a fundamental security design weakness in PHP-based web applications, a gift that keeps giving despite our best attempts to contain the ghost of the past.