Category: Experiences

Things I’ve done, how it went, and how it made me feel.

  • Fall 2023

    Fall 2023

    Yesterday was the first big temperature drop to the area, enough where I felt the first shivers of the approaching chilly season. We don’t experience a proper fall here. Mainly, we have a hot and wet vs a cold and dry season. This is one of the less desirable traits of the area. When I’m…

  • 3D Printer Mistakes: Things I Wish I Knew 6 Months Ago

    3D Printer Mistakes: Things I Wish I Knew 6 Months Ago

    I love 3D printing! However, the love doesn’t come from the result. It comes from the journey, the tinkering, the wrenching and experimenting to find out what works. This article is about what doesn’t work. These were my (sometimes expensive) lessons learned, memorialized here for my better self-education, my bad memory, and just maybe for…

  • Website Stability Woes

    Website Stability Woes

    This site has been offline for almost a day, and I hadn’t noticed! Luckily, I came here to draft a post about my recent experience with a PHP bug, and I noticed that the page was loading to a white screen. Experience teaches me that the web server Caddy likes to return empty responses when…

  • CrimeCon 2023 Day 3 Brief

    CrimeCon 2023 Day 3 Brief

    Today’s presentations were even more deeply moving. As a tagalong, I did not expect the majority of presenters to have a direct and personal stake in the crimes. I was also surprised that, despite the well-known shortcomings of our justice system, the victim’s families who were present generally felt positively towards the police. Generally, it…

  • CrimeCon 2023 Day 2 Brief

    CrimeCon 2023 Day 2 Brief

    We just now got back from Day 2 (really, the first and only full day of CrimeCon, and to us Day 1 because work conflicted and we did not have sufficient work arrangements in order to attend on Friday) of the convention. We had a wonderful time! The only other convention that I’ve attended regularly…

  • Stability and Hardening: the Pool is Closed

    WordPress defaults enable the CMS to function in a wide variety of environments from small home servers to massive shared hosting providers to horizontally scaled applications in the cloud. However, two defaults are much less than ideal.

  • Initialization


    Wow! Setting up this site was a lot more involved than I expected, but I’m glad I made the ultimate decision to set up a server from scratch rather than subscribing to a shared hosting service. My main concern with using a plain VPS was that the setup would be trivially simple and result in…